We are the Architects of “Results Driven Creative”

For the past thousands of years we have systemized and engineered the construction process. Labourers don’t arrive to a job site and see lumber, tile, steel and concrete and haphazardly begin to throw these materials hoping to accomplish a final product that is saleable. No. We have processes that guarantee that those materials are constructed in a way that creates a consistent result time and time again.

Content has never been approached this way. In fact social media and web content is a relatively new industry. At James Media we like to say that “content – is the new manufacturing”. In the same way that a Home builder creates systems to guarantee an inhabitable end product we at James Media have a system and a process to guarantee consistent, marketable creative that accomplishes the objectives we lay out before starting production.

The Digital Blueprint – if you will.

Our CLients:

Quick Stats

$2 Billion Value

In 2022 the media content that James Media captured resulted in over 2 billion dollars of transactional volume for our clients

2200+ Projects

2200+ total projects completed in 2022

72 Hours

72 hour avg project turnaround time

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5 Ways To Get Better Content